This is very large and rich informative job searching website. It has so much reputation in UK because a lot of people lived in UK or trying to visit or being immigrant visit this website and found their dream job. This website has easy way to access and attractive presentation to finding jobs. The site regularly add, subtract and update their information. Trinity Mirror Digital Recruitment has over 3.5 million registered candidates across its portfolio of sites and receives 1.8 million visits and 3.3 million searches and 443,000 applications a month. TMDR a part of PLc one of the largest UK newspaper.

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The Bdjobs.com

BdJobs is the leading and first career management site in the country. Their vision is to try bringing Internet technology in the mainstream business and economic life of the society. The beginning of the site has been able to attract the Internet users in the country. It has a huge number of jobs in 18 categories. This site regularly updates Job Information, provides facility to the job seekers for posting resume and online application. This site already success to get good response from a large number of organizations in the country. This site provides online job application facility, online CV bank access and online application receiving and processing facility of www.bdjobs.com. It has huge resources about more than 4000+ employers in the country have recruited more than 100,000 professionals at different levels for their organizations through Bdjobs.com service. Its unique daily visitors about 25,000 (average) and the monthly statement is about 12 million.

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